I am a big smoothie lover and in all of my smoothies there MUST be 2 specific ingredients: a banana and some plain yogurt. I then add my fruit of choice for the day...sometimes two. I usually use the Silk brand's plain yogurt to blend in my smoothies and I truly recommend it because of its healthy nutrition fats and smooth consistency.
Today I ran out of my Silk yogurt and only had time to run down the street to the Coop off of Central Avenue. I was disappointed to find out that they did not carry the plain Silk yogurt that I always use. The only soy yogurt they had in a large container was WildWood. I had tried WildWood yogurt once - a small container of vanilla. To sum it up bluntly, I hated it. It was really really sweet and the consistency was grainy. I never bought it again. I was sort of desperate as I needed my daily smoothie so I bought it, thinking "Plain yogurt is plain yogurt, right? How can you screw that one up?" There really wasn't anything added to the yogurt as well - it is actually the only soyogurt that has no added sweetener.
Well, let me tell you - that sweetener is there for a reason! I used my spoon to pour the desired amount of yogurt into the blender and I always lick the spoon afterward. The horrifying taste that followed stopped me in my tracks. Oh my...they weren't kidding when they said it wasn't sweetened. It tastes like...well, what I would expect playdough to taste like and yes, that same grainy texture was there. And the icing on the cake - the yogurt had a light tan hue. Now I'm all about being natural and healthy, but I also have to be able to swallow the stuff!
I decided to just LOAD the smoothie with very sweet fruits (pineapple, mango and dark, sweet cherries) in hopes that it would cover that god-awful flavor. In the end, I was able to SWALLOW the smoothie, but nothing will mask that grainy texture or the play-dough flavor entirely.
My one word summary: ICK!!!
I think that's the brand I tried too, before I went off soy, and I didn't like the flavor either! How sad that your smoothie was tainted by playdough flavor!