So apparently as a 30 year old woman, I am suppose to be getting 1000 mg of calcium every day. As you may know, I am a pretty healthy eater. I definitely get my 5-9 fruits/vegetebles per day but I most definitely do NOT get 1000 mg of calcium. So you think, okay then, just drink a glass of soy milk. Unfortunately I do and it doesn't do it alone. One cup only gives you 30% of your daily needs...and 3+ cups per day does not sound that appetizing. Unlike regular ice cream which provides 10% in a 1/2 cup, soy ice cream (at least the Soy Creamy I get from Trader Joes) has no calcium added. Oops...I guess not all soy products are fortified! I even make sure to add a cup of spinach to my daily vegetable soup, but you need 3 cups of it to get to 8% of your daily needs.
So, what I have learned is that I must look beyond my cereal bowl and my spinach soup to get the 1000 mg that I am suppose to get on a daily basis. What other products are high in calcium? Here is a brainstorming list for you with the % it meets for your daily needs.

1 cup of Broccoli = 3%
3 oz Mori-Nu Silken Tofu = 3%

1 cup Kidney Beans = 6%
1 oz Almonds = 6%
1 cup of an Orange = 7%
1 cup cabbage = 8%
1 packet instant fortified oatmeal = 10%
Chocolate ZenSoy Pudding =15%
Trader Joes Soy Yogurt = 30%
1 cup Vanilla Soy milk = 30%
Don't forget, spices can include calcium as well!
1 Tbsp Cumin = 6%
1 Tbsp Cloves = 4%
1 Tbsp Oregano = 9%
I had no idea that oranges had calcium!